Notable Extras



Brand Positioning Statement + Alternate Tagline

Founded in 1919, Kemet was seeking a new brand position that, despite their mature image, reflected that they make electronic components found in the latest cutting edge technologies. I came up with the tagline “Built into Tomorrow” that worked as both a brand positioning statement and a brand tagline. *I did not design the logo and website pictured here.


Studio — Athorn Clark & Partners
Discipline — Brand Strategy


Grand Central Partnership

Annual Report Cover

For this cover, I went into the field and photographed buildings in GCP’s district in Manhattan. The final edited photo (the buildings aren't really that close by the way) plays off of the organization’s overlapping red square logo, which I used on the cover as another design element.


Studio — Russell Design
Discipline — Print, Photography

Other Work

SwimBrand Identity, Web Design

UnicelPrint Design

InvestcorpPrint Design

SymendBrand Identity

MendBrand Identity, Web Design

The DandyPrint Design

NationwideBrand Identity

Heinrich TypefaceType Design

©2024 Andrew Henry